Finance School:
Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE), Fundamental Analysis (FA), Technical Analysis (TA), Stock Market Investing, Stock Valuation, Financial Planning, Business Ideas, Entrepreneurship, Personal Finance, Safety in Investment, Finance & Investment, Economics, Stock Market Basics, Real Estate, Money Market, Rules & Regulations etc.
Objective of Finance School is to provide real
financial education to the people of Bangladesh so that they can manage their
personal finance well, invest their money in appropriate manner and prevent themselves from any sort of financial scams.

Name: Md. Shihab Alam Khan
Educational Qualification
Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Finance from University of Dhaka
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Finance & Economics (Dual Major) from East West University
Working Experience
Shihab has practical working experience in Licensed Asset Management
Company, Merchant Bank & Brokerage House operating in Bangladesh.